Hormonal regulation of miRNA during mammary gland development. Biology Open, 2024 Jun 15. Cameron Confuorti, Maritza Jaramillo and Isabelle Plante


A critical path to producing high quality, reproducible data from quantitative western blot experiments. Scientific Report, 2022 Oct 20. Sean C. Taylor, Luciana K. Rosselli-Murai, Bélinda Crobeddu and Isabelle Plante

Killing two birds with one stone: Pregnancy is a sensitive window for endocrine effects on both the mother and the fetus. Environmental Research, 2022 Apr 1. Isabelle Plante, Louise M Winn, Cathy Vaillancourt, Petya Grigorova and Lise Parent

Twenty-five years beyond « Our Stolen Future »: How did we progress as an international society on screening and regulating Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs)?. Environmental Research, 2022, Jul. Valérie S. Langlois, Isabelle Plante, Pascal Vaudin and Chris J. Martyniuk


In Utero and Lactational Exposure to an Environmentally Relevant Mixture of Brominated Flame Retardants Induces a Premature Development of the Mammary Glands. 2021, Toxicological Sciences, Jan 28. Rita-Josiane Gouesse, Elham Dianati, Alec McDermott, Mike Wade, Barbara Hales, Bernard Robaire and Isabelle Plante


Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) increases proliferation of epithelial breast cancer cells through progesterone receptor dysregulation. 2019, Environmental Research. Belinda Crobeddu, Emanuelle Ferraris, Élise Kolasa and Isabelle Plante


Luminal MCF-12A & myoepithelial-like Hs 578Bst cells form bilayered acini similar to human breast. Future Science OA. 2018. Anne Weber-Ouellette, Mélanie Busby and Isabelle Plante

The Complex Subtype-Dependent Role of Connexin 43 (GJA1) in Breast Cancer. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2018 Feb 28. Mélanie Busby, Michael Hallett and Isabelle Plante



Connexins, E-cadherin, Claudin-7 and β-catenin transiently form junctional nexuses during the post-natal mammary gland development. Developmental Biology. 2016 Aug 1. Elham Dianati, Jérémy Poiraud, Anne Weber-Ouellette and Isabelle Plante

Loss of Panx1 Impairs Mammary Gland Development at Lactation: Implications for Breast Tumorigenesis. PLoS One. 2016 Apr 21. Micheal K. Stewart, Isabelle Plante, Silvia Penuela and Dale W. Laird


Chronic exposure to hexachlorobenzene results in down-regulation of connexin43 in the breast. Environnemental Research. 2015 Nov. Arianne Delisle, Emanuelle Ferraris and Isabelle Plante


Mammary Gland Specific Knockdown of the Physiological Surge in Cx26 during Lactation Retains Normal Mammary Gland Development and Function. PLoS ONE. 2014, Jul 2. Michael K Stewart, Isabelle Plante, John F Bechberger, Christian C Naus and Dale W Laird


Cx43 suppresses mammary tumor metastasis to the lung in a Cx43 mutant mouse model of human disease. Oncogene, 2011. Isabelle Plante, Michael K.G. Stewart, Alisson L. Allan and Dale W. Laird

Evaluation of Mammary Gland Development and Function in Mouse Models. Journal of Visualized Experiments. 2011, Jul 21. Isabelle Plante, Michael K.G. Stewart and Dale W. Laird



A dominant loss-of-function Cx43 mutant impairs parturition in the mouse. Biology of Reproduction. 2009 Jun. Dan Tong, Xuerong Lv, Hong-Xing Wang, Isabelle Plante, Dale W. Laird, Donglin Bai and Gerald M. Kidder

Oogenesis defects in a mutant mouse model of oculodentodigital dysplasia. Disease Models and Mechanisms. 2009. Janet L. Manias, Isabelle Plante, Xiang-Qun Gong, Qing Shao, Jared Churko, Donglin Bai and Dale W.Laird


Fate of connexin43 in cardiac tissue harbouring a disease-linked connexin43 mutant. Cardiovascular Research. 2008, Dec 1. Dan Tong, Deanne Colley, Renee Thoo, Isabelle Plante, Dale W. Laird, Donglin Bai and Gerald M. Kidder

ODDD-linked Cx43 mutants reduce endogenous Cx43 expression and function in osteoblasts and inhibit late stage differentiation. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 2008, Jun. Elizabeth McLachlan, Isabelle Plante, Qing Shao, Dan Tong, Gerald M. Kidder, Suzanne M. Bernier, and Dale W. Laird


Sexual dimorphism in the regulation of liver connexin32 transcription in hexachlorobenzene-treated rats. Toxicological Sciences, 2007, Mar. Isabelle Plante, Daniel G.Cyr and Michel Charbonneau


Activation of the integrin-linked kinase pathway downregulates hepatic connexin32 via nuclear Akt. Carcinogenesis. 2006, Sep. Isabelle Plante, Michel Charbonneau and Daniel G. Cyr


Involvement of the integrin-linked kinase pathway in hexachlorobenzene-induced gender-specific rat hepatocarcinogenesis. Toxicological Sciences. 2005, Dec. Isabelle Plante, Daniel G.Cyr and Michel Charbonneau



Evaluation for Hsp70 as a biomarker of effect of pollutants on the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris. Cell Stress Chaperones. 2001, Apr. Nadeau D, Corneau S, Plante I, Morrow G and Tanguay RM